
Friday, July 21, 2017

J. W. Randolph’s Advertisement for the Return of a Fugitive Slave, April 18, 1857

$100 REWARD! — My negro man Richard has been missing since Sunday night, March 22d. I will give $100 to any one who will secure him or deliver him to me. Richard is thirty years old, but looks older; very short legs, dark, but rather bright color, broad cheek bones, a respectful and serious manner, generally looks away when spoken to, small moustache and beard (but he may have them off). He is a remarkably intelligent man, and can turn his hand to anything. He took with him a bag made of Brussels carpet, with my name written in large, rough letters on the bottom, and a good stock of coarse and fine clothes, among them a navy cap and a low-crowned hat. He has been seen about New Kent C. H., and on the Pamunky river, and is no doubt trying to get off in some vessel bound North.

J. W. RANDOLPH, Richmond, Va.
April 18th, 1857.

SOURCE: William Still, The Underground Railroad: A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters &c., p. 123

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