
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

John Brown to his Family, October 11, 1858

Osawatomie, Kansas, Oct. 11, 1858.

Dear Wife And Children, All, — I wrote you sometime since, enclosing G. Smith's check for fifty dollars, payable to order of Watson. Since then 1 have no word from any of you, but am in hopes of getting something to-morrow. I have been very feeble ever since, but have improved a good deal now for about one week. I can now see no good reason why I should not be located nearer home, as soon as I can collect the means for defraying expenses. I still intend sending you some further help as soon as I can. Will write you how to direct to me hereafter. No more now.

Your affectionate husband and father.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 479

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