
Friday, July 21, 2017

Salmon P. Chase to Edward S. Hamlin, Columbus Ohio, January 29, 1849

Cincinnati, Jany 29, 1849.

My Dear Hamlin: Thank you for your kindness in keeping me advised of events transpiring at Columbus. Nothing has occurred here of interest since I wrote you.

This morning the Globe contains an admirable article in relation to the Apportionment Act which does Taylor great credit and which I hope you will republish. The only thing exceptionable is the reference to me as having urged a compromise by which Spencer & Runyon should be admitted to their seats & the Hamilton County clauses repealed. There is no foundation for this and I hope you will omit this sentence containing the reference & the next one in case you republish. The article will read as well without these two sentences as with them. Don't neglect this; for the reference seems to me calculated to do harm.

All I ever did having any relation to this matter was to suggest in conversation with Whigs & Democrats before the meeting of the Legislature the avoidance of all violent excitement by waiving the question of constitutionality, admitting Spencer & Runyon under the law, & repealing the clauses. But I never thought that the decision of the constitutional question could be avoided or should be avoided if insisted on by either party, and that the law could be held constitutional, if the question should be pushed to a decision. My opinion on this matter, and also as to prima facie right are too well known, I think, to allow the possibility of harmful misrepresentation in most quarters. Still it is possible some may get wrong impressions from the paragraph, if published, and I hope therefore you will not fail to leave it out.

I had a letter from Hibben yesterday. He thinks Tillinghast may be fully relied on. But he must have a seat next Townshend & Morse.

I do wish I could see you and have a talk. Can't you come down say Friday night & spend Saturday & Sunday: returning Monday?

SOURCE: Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 161-2

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