
Monday, August 28, 2017

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Luman Harris Tenney: September 2, 1863

Aroused at 2 A. M., in readiness for a fight. Got breakfast, fed and moved at 6 o'clock. General order from Burnside saying that any man guilty of stealing, robbing or pillaging should be stripped of clothes, flogged, head shaved, branded with letter T. and drummed out of service. Marched to Lenoir. Then artillery opened up at London and we took the trot for 5 miles. 2nd Tenn. attacked rebels. They burned the bridge and retreated. We too late. An order to scout. Alarm that rebels were crossing. Went swimming in Tenn. River. Half a mile wide. Current swift and water clear. Went to London bridge. Found 45th Ohio there. Took the company up there and showed the breastworks, good fortifications. Rifle pits and acres of trees cut down. Discovered nothing unusual.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 86

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