
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Diary of John Brown, August 18, 1859

Wrote F. B. S[anborn] and other friends.1

1 This was about the time that Douglass visited Brown at Chambersburg. The purpose of Brown's letter to me was to raise three hundred dollars more, since he was delayed for want of money; and I undertook to raise it. On the 4th of September I had sent him two hundred dollars, of which Dr. Howe gave fifty; on the 14th I had all but thirty-five dollars of the remaining hundred, Colonel Higginson having sent me twenty dollars. I think the balance was paid by Mr. Stearns, who on the 8th of September had written thus to Higginson: “By reading Mr. Sanborn's note to me a second time, I see that the enclosed ought to have been sent to you with his note. Please read it and enclose again to him. I hope you will be able to get the fifty dollars. We have done all we could, and fall short another fifty as yet.” The “enclosed” here was an urgent appeal from Chambersburg for money.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 520

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