
Friday, August 11, 2017

Diary of Sergeant Major Luman Harris Tenney: July 4, 1863

All aroused by the booming of cannon, Law's Battery. We understood it. 12th R. I. got out under arms. At 4 A. M. marched to town and got breakfast preparatory to a fight. Returned to camp. Went to the 12th and drew 3 days' rations; returned some to 1st Ky. Train came in — our boys. A very heavy thunder shower, wet through. At 5 P. M. orders came to march with 3 days' rations. Drew one more and issued three. Got off at 8 P. M. Thede waits till morning on account of his horse. Marched 10 miles and camped at 2 A. M. Morgan has succeeded in getting into Ky. and now the drama is to see if he can get out or whether he is to succeed in his raid. We are all anxious to overtake him and if possible to capture or annihilate him. Letter from Minnie.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 77

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