
Friday, August 18, 2017

Meeting Of Minute Men

CALHOUN’S MILLS, Oct. 30th, 1860.

MR. EDITOR:  Pursuant to a call made by the Executive Committee, a meeting was held at Calhoun’s Mills on Saturday last for the purpose of forming a Company of Minute Men.  The meeting was organized by calling Hon. A. Burt to the chair and appointing O. T. Porcher, Sec’y.

Col. Marshall being present, in behalf of the Executive Committee, explained in a few words, the object of the organization: said that he was sorry that it had been reported that it had anything to do with party views: that it was simply an organization for our own safety, and the safety of our wives and children. He was followed by Gen. Smith and Col. Talman, who warmly advocated the necessity and duty of this move.  When they had concluded Hon. A. Burt was called upon for his views touching the political aspect of our country, and responded in a speech, full of sound sense and patriotism, and called upon every man to awake to the danger of our situation, and prepare for the emergency.

A committee of five was then appointed for soliciting names for the Company – committee consist of Messrs. J. J. Lee, O. T. Porcher, E. F. Parker, W. D. Mars, Wm. McKelvey.

A committee was appointed for preparing the Constitution for Government of the Company of Minute Men, consisting of Col. Talman, Wm. Taggart, Capt. Jones, Wm. McBryde, and James McKelvey.

It was agreed that a meeting be held at the same place on the 2d Saturday of November, for organizing said company, and that a dinner be furnished for the occasion.

It was then moved that the proceedings be published in the Press and Banner.

HON. A. BURT, Ch’n.
O. T. PORCHER, Sec’y.

— Published in The Abbeville Press, Abbeville, South Carolina, Friday Morning, November 9, 1860, p. 2

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