
Thursday, September 14, 2017

James Buchanan to Jeremiah H. Black, March 6, 1857

Washington, 6 March, 1857.

my Dear Sir: I have this moment signed your commission as Attorney General of the United States, and have done this with great pleasure. I hope that you may find it agreeable to yourself to accept this important office, and I entertain no doubt that we shall get on harmoniously and happily together.

There were certainly great difficulties in the way of your appointment, and Mr. Glaucy [sic] Jones has behaved very well in contributing to the result. I may also add that Governor Bigler is quite satisfied with it, and I venture to express the hope that any past difficulties between you and himself may pass away and be forgotten. We must be a unit here if possible.

I hope you will come to Washington immediately, and in the meantime believe me to be always

Very respectfully your friend,
James Buchanan.
Hon. J. S. Black.

SOURCE: Mary Black Clayton, Reminiscences of Jeremiah Sullivan Black, p. 99-100

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