
Sunday, October 1, 2017

Congressman Thaddeus Stevens: In the United States House of Representatives, July 5, 1862

I am no sycophant, no parasite. What I think I say. These acts have been perpetrated over and over again by our generals, and without rebuke; from the appointing power; and I leave the House and the world to determine world determine where the responsibility rests.

I charge it upon the management of the war upon the different branches of the Administration. I believe the President – is as honest a man as there is in the world; but I believe him to be too easy and amiable, and to be misled by the malign influence of Kentucky counselors — and, following that advice, that he has permitted the adoption of the policy which I have just stated without rebuke.

SOURCE: Beverly Wilson Palmer, Editor, The Selected Papers of Thaddeus Stevens, Volume 1: January 1814 – March 1865, p. 310

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