
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Elizabeth Adams Lusk to Captain William Thompson Lusk, September 13, 1862

13th. I wrote Horace a day or two since, giving an account of Gen. Stevens' death from your letter, saying if it possessed any interest for the public he might give it to Godwin of the Post, and this morning I saw it published there.1 I am glad, because so little has been said of this brave man by any of the New-York papers except the Tribune. I have written Mrs. Stevens a letter of sympathy for her loss. I wanted her to know, and to feel, that the Nation weeps for her illustrious dead. I wrote her I took the liberty of offering her my sympathy, because personally I felt her husband's loss most deeply for his kindness to my son.

Mr. Benedict is below in the library with Hunt. His brother, who was taken prisoner some time ago, but recently released, has been appointed Colonel of one of the new N. Y. regiments. Our Governor I hear excuses his want of consideration for you, by saying it would have been different if you had belonged to a Conn. Regiment, so I suppose you are considered as belonging to New-York. Good-bye, my own dear son. God bless you always. I thank him for your perservation. Love from all to you, and kind words to Major Elliott.


1 N. Y. Evening Post of Sept. 12th, 1862.

SOURCE: William Chittenden Lusk, Editor, War Letters of William Thompson Lusk, p. 196-7

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