
Thursday, November 30, 2017

William P. Smith to Edwin M. Stanton, September 29, 1863

CAMDEN STATION, Baltimore, Md., September 29, 1863.          
(Received 3.53 p.m.)
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War:

We are now able to report that our arrangements between Bellaire, our terminus, and Jeffersonville are working out most satisfactorily.

Captain Cole reports that the first trains reached Indianapolis at 3.40 p.m. yesterday (Monday), and have been followed in quick succession and excellent time by others. These trains are, therefore, carrying their masses of men and material from Washington to the western border of Indiana, a distance of 640 miles, with ample intervals for refreshment, in less than three days, say fifty hours, over the Alleghanies, and upon a track three times redeemed from hostile possession, and three times rebuilt by private enterprise since the present war began.

The first trains arrived at Jeffersonville, the end of our charge of them, before midnight, but I will give you fuller reports in a few hours on this point. Our Captain Cole reports that his requisitions were enforced by impressment in some cases, but full provision is at hand to effect our wants to Jeffersonville. Captain Cole is one of our most experienced, practical officers, having occupied the same position in our service that I now hold. We had arranged to aid him by sending other officers out or by going in person, but we feel such confidence now in affairs as to enable us to continue our promise of the best results.

Our reports from our own line and the transfer at Benwood continue most uniformly satisfactory, and indicating a success that is deeply gratifying to us. We are hurrying equipments back from west, and will thus be able to meet further emergencies or requisitions, should such be presented.


SOURCES: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 29, Part 1 (Serial No. 48), p. 178

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