
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Brigadier-General Jacob D. Cox’s Special Orders No. 8, September 28, 1862


Mouth of Antietam Creek, Md., September 28, 1862.

The following officers and enlisted men of this command have been honorably mentioned in the official reports of the engagement on the 17th instant, and their names are hereby published as a testimony to their gallant and meritorious conduct in the field and for efficiency in their departments: First Division — Capt. Robert A. Hutchins, assistant adjutant-general; Lieutenants Brackett, James W. Romeyn, and Dearborn, aides-de-camp on General Willcox's personal staff; Cols. B.C. Christ and Thomas Welsh, for the able manner in which they handled their brigades; Capt. William T. Lusk, acting assistant adjutant-general, of Colonel Christ's brigade; Lieut. Samuel N. Benjamin, commanding Battery E, Second U. S. Artillery; Lieut. John N. Coffin and Sergts. William Davis and Newall B. Allen, of the Eighth Massachusetts Battery. Second Division — Capt. H. R. Mighels, assistant adjutant-general; Capt. C. H. Hale, aide, and Capt. W. C. Rawolle, aide-decamp and ordnance officer, all of General Sturgis' staff, for personal gallantry. Also Capt. N. Plato, assistant quartermaster; Capt. F. E. Berier, commissary of subsistence, and Brigade Surg. A. T. Watson, of General Sturgis' staff, for efficiency in their departments; Captain Clark, Battery E, Fourth Artillery; Lieutenant Hinkle, aide-de-camp to General Nagle, for activity and gallantry; Surgeon Reber, for devotion to his duty; Orderly Sergt. C. F. Merkle, Company E, Fourth Artillery, for gallant conduct and able handling of the battery after all the commissioned officers were disabled. Third Division — Lieutenant-Colonel Kimball, commanding Ninth New York Volunteers; Major Jardine, commanding Eighty-ninth New York Volunteers, and Major Ringold, One hundred and third New York Volunteers, for gallant conduct and able management of their commands. Kanawha Division-Lieuts. R. P. Kennedy, acting assistant adjutant-general, and J. L. Botsford, acting aide-de-camp, of Colonel Scammon's staff, for coolness and efficiency; Cols. George Crook, commanding Second Brigade, and Hugh Ewing, commanding First Brigade, for energy and skillful bravery; Lieutenants Furbay and Duffield, Thirtieth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, acting as aides to Colonel Ewing, and who were both killed; Lieut. Col. A. H. Coleman, commanding Eleventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, killed while gallantly leading his men; Lieut. Col. J. D. Hines, Twelfth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry; Color Sergeants White and Carter, [Thirtieth Ohio Volunteers,] who were both killed, and Corporals Howerth, Company D, and Buchanan, of Company C, of the same regiment, for rescuing their regimental colors when the color-sergeants were shot. The general commanding takes this opportunity to mention the gallant and meritorious conduct of Capt. G. M. Bascom, assistant adjutant-general; Lieuts. S. L. Christie, J. W. Conine, and Theodore Cox, aides-de-camp on his personal staff; Brigade Surg. W. W. Holmes, for his thorough attention to the duties of the medical department, in the prompt organization of hospitals and systematic provision for the wounded; Surgeon Cutter, late medical director on General Reno's staff, for energetic attention during the action to the disposal of the wounded in the field; also to thank Capt. E. P. Fitch, assistant quartermaster and acting commissary of subsistence, for unwearied labor, by night as well as by day, in bringing forward supplies to the command under circumstances of great difficulty; also to thank Mr. F. Cuthbert, a civilian and employé in the quartermaster's department, for gallantry displayed in carrying dispatches and orders upon the field. The ability and gallantry displayed by the division commanders has already been noticed in the official report of the engagement.*

J. D. COX,
Brigadier-General, Commanding.

* See Vol. XIX, Part I, p. 423

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 51, Part 1 (Serial No. 107), p. 870-1

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