
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Captain William Thompson Lusk to Elizabeth Adams Lusk, October 28, 1862

79th Regiment, Oct. 28th, 1862.
Camp Near Southville, Va.
My dear Mother:

We are once more on the march and have recrossed into Virginia. Let us pray for success — and hope. I am in first rate health and spirits. It seems as though exposure was a good thing for a soldier. All the time I lay in camp I did not feel well. The day we marched it rained hard, and the air was excessively cold at night. I was appointed Division Field Officer for the day, and had to spend hours in a cold dark rainy night wandering through marshes and wet fields examining picket posts. Well, instead of killing me, as my good mother would have supposed, I lost all my ill-feelings, and, after a night's sleep, am in better condition than I have been in for weeks. I regret only one thing — that we can no longer receive our mails regularly. In our last camp things were so arranged that we received the mail daily, which was very pleasant.

I had a letter from Coz. Lou a day or two ago, and enjoyed it greatly. It seems to me that Lilly has forgotten her offer to become my correspondent, that is to say, to do all the corresponding herself. I am sure I grasped her offer most warmly. I received a kind and friendly letter from Col. Farnsworth some days since, which I forwarded to Walter. The Colonel promised me all the influence he possessed for my advancement. A call has been lately made for men of the Volunteer Army to enlist in the Regulars. It speaks well for the discipline of the Highlanders, that, while from other Regiments from 75 to 100 men eagerly sought the opportunity to enter a new service, hardly a dozen of our men have been found ready to change their present condition. In my own company not one has volunteered.


If I get disabled, I think I shall keep a candy store — with so many nephews I would be so popular. Tell Mrs. Dodge that, for the benefit of her little girl, I shall keep an assortment of the biggest goggle-eyed wax dolls.

W. T. L.

SOURCE: William Chittenden Lusk, Editor, War Letters of William Thompson Lusk, p. 222-3

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