
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Diary of Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes: Monday, March 30, 1863

A cold, clear night last night; a fine morning, but a white frost — light. Report that the steamer which left here yesterday morning with Quartermaster Fitch, Paymaster Cowen, etc., on board was fired into nearly opposite Buffalo. Said to be ten companies of Jenkins' men, some crossing Kanawha, a few with horses. Lieutenant-Colonel Comly with five companies [of the] Twenty-third went down [the] river in [a] steamboat to Coal's Mouth to defend that point.

4 P. M. — Reported that Point Pleasant is in possession of the Rebels,

6 P. M. — Dispatch from Captain Fitch says [that a] company of [the] Thirteenth Virginia holds out in court-house at Point Pleasant; with impromptu gunboats from Gallipolis drove the Rebels out of Point Pleasant; can certainly hold it until dark.

9 P. M. — Dispatch: Rebels driven back, twelve killed, fourteen taken prisoners. Our loss one killed, one wounded, three officers ( ?) taken prisoners. Stores all safe.

10 P. M. — Rebels retreated up Kanawha; starving, out of shoes, and ammunition.

Colonel Comly ordered to rig up steamboat so as to protect men and go down the river to prevent Jenkins from recrossing the river.

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 399-400

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