
Friday, January 26, 2018

Edwin M. Stanton to Major-General George H. Thomas, April 27, 1865 – 9:20 a.m.

Washington City, April 27, 1865 9.20 a.m.
Maj. Gen. GEORGE H. THOMAS, Nashville:

The following is an extract from a telegram received this morning from General Halleck, at Richmond:

The bankers here have information to-day that Jeff. Davis’ specie is moving south from Goldsborough in wagons as fast as possible. I suggest that orders be telegraphed through General Thomas that Wilson obey no orders from Sherman, and notifying him and Canby and all commanders on the Mississippi to take measures to intercept the rebel chiefs and their plunder. The specie taken with them is estimated here at from $6,000,000 to $13,000,000.

You were some days ago notified that the President disapproved Sherman's proceedings, and were directed to disregard them. If you have not already done so you will issue immediate orders to all officers in your command directing them to pay no attention to any orders but your own or from General Grant, and spare no exertion to stop Davis and his plunder. Push the enemy as hard as you can in every direction.

Secretary of War.
(Same to General Canby, New Orleans.)

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I Volume 49, Part 2 (Serial No. 104), p. 483-4

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