
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Elizabeth Adams Lusk to Captain William Thompson Lusk, October 6, 1862

Norwich, Oct. 6th, 1862.
My own dear Son:

I certainly did not intend writing you to-day, and have but little time, yet I must acknowledge the reception of Special Order No. 8 from the Headquarters of the 9th Army Corps, and the pleasure it affords me. Thomas Perkins obtained a letter from the Gov. of Conn, to the Gov. of New-York. Walter has written you the favorable result of his application so far, but of Gov. B’s1 letter I wish to make special mention. It was in the highest degree complimentary to you, and stated in conclusion that had you served in a Conn. Reg't he should have promoted you long since. In fact my son, even I felt he had written as handsome a letter recommending your promotion as I could desire. So N. Y. I think is fairly the State of your adoption, and your claims rest upon her, as you have served with her sons. Should E. resign, Gov. M.2 has promised upon proof of your being first Captain, that you shall receive the commission. However, it is best that you should keep your friends advised, and we will do what we can. I have so much to say, I wish I could talk to you. Good-bye, God will bless you, trust Him for all things.

Very lovingly,

Hannah has a son three days old. I have sent Special Order No. 8 to your Uncle Phelps and Walter who will use it as they like.

1 William A.Buckingham.

2 Edwin D.Morgan.

SOURCE: William Chittenden Lusk, Editor, War Letters of William Thompson Lusk, p. 218-9

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