
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Senator Salmon P. Chase to Edward S. Hamlin, August 13, 1852

washington City, Aug 13, 1852.

My Dear Sir, I have received the Pittsburg Resolutions and nominations. They create no sensation here though much interest has been manifested in the proceedings of the Convention. The general impression seems to be that the whole action of the Convention will help the Democrats. If they had taken the name Independent Democracy, and had adopted no extreme resolutions, the nominations would have made about a fair balance, and the draft would have been about equal from the old parties: as it is it strikes me that the impression here is about correct: but you have better opportunities of judgment in Ohio than I.

For myself I propose to accept the Platform and support the nominations as on the whole as near to my ideas of what is best, as I could expect, not having had the making of them myself. But I think I shall not sink my individuality in this organization, which it seems to me, must be temporary. I propose rather to maintain my position as an Independent Democrat, just as I have heretofore done, acting with the Pittsburg organization now because it is more democratic than the Old Line.

You mentioned Vaughan's renewed assaults. Is it not about time to carry the war into Africa? If an invitation should be addressed to me, without distinction of Party to address the People at Cleveland on my return from Washington I would accept it, and defend myself. I could speak there on the evening of the 4th or 12th. I must be at Cincinnati on the Sixth. Bolton, I suppose would take an interest in the meeting, and, no doubt, others — Riddle, one.

You mention the Independent Democrat and your aid of it. I subscribed $50. It looks well. I did not like its notice of Vaughan's assaults on me.

Write me and give me your views at length.

I will speak anywhere in the State as an Independent Democrat after the 12th September until the October Term of the Circuit Court, if you think best.

SOURCE: Diary and correspondence of Salmon P. ChaseAnnual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 244-5

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