
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Lieutenant-General Ulysses S. Grant to Edwin M. Stanton, March 25, 1865 – 1:30 p.m.

CITY POINT, VA., March 25, 1865 1.30 p.m.
Secretary of War:

The following dispatch of General Parke is received from General Meade:

The enemy attacked my front this morning at about 4.30 with three divisions, under command of General Gordon. By a sudden rush they seized the line held by the Third Brigade, First Division, at the foot of the hill, to the right of Fort Stedman, wheeled, and, overpowering the garrison, took possession of the fort. They established themselves on the hill, turning our guns upon us. Our troops on either flank stood firm. Soon after a determined attack was made on Fort Haskell, held by part of McLaughlen's brigade, Willcox's division, and was repulsed with great loss to the enemy. The First Brigade of Hartranft's division, held in reserve, was brought up, and a check given to any further advance. One or two attempts to retake the hill were made, and were only temporarily successful, until the arrival of the Second Brigade, when a charge was made by that brigade, aided by the troops of the First Division, on either flank, and the enemy were driven out of the fort, with the loss of a number of prisoners, estimated at about 1,600. Two battle-flags have also been brought in. The enemy also lost heavily in killed outside of our lines. The whole line was immediately reoccupied, and the guns retaken uninjured. I regret to add that General McLaughlen was captured in Fort Stedman; our loss was otherwise not heavy. Great praise is due to General Hartranft for the skill and gallantry displayed in handling his division, which behaved with great spirit in this its first engagement.

Major-General, Commanding.


SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I Volume 46, Part 3 (Serial No. 97), p. 109-10

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