
Monday, February 26, 2018

Senator Salmon P. Chase to Edward S. Hamlin, August 27, 1852

Washington City, August 27, 1852

Dear Hamlin, You pain me by what you say of your health. I hope it may speedily improve — most earnestly do I hope it. I fear your labors in the canal regions may have affected you: but trust that relaxation and good air will set you up again. You must not neglect yourself on any account.

You are mistaken in thinking I have not fully appreciated the necessity of a Press of the right stamp in the State: I have fully and thoroughly appreciated it. Rut I am but one laborer in a great cause. I have contributed and am still ready to contribute to its success all of work and money that I can. But I have found little material aid and comfort. Most have seemed to think that I, being Senator, might well be left alone to bear all the cost of sustaining papers devoted to our common views. I should not complain of this were I able to support such enterprises. But as you know my election to the Senate has greatly abridged my income, and my debt, almost intolerably burdensome when I was elected, has not become any lighter since. What then am I to do? I cannot beg gentlemen to contribute to a paper, which, they may think and will think, is chiefly important to me. If they do not feel sufficiently interested in the cause, or sufficiently concerned for the vindication of those who are laboring to advance it, to aid in the establishment of a press of the right kind, I do not see how I can remedy the matter. I went so far as to offer $1500 towards the purchase of the Nonpareil and place it in right hands: but the residue necessary cd. not be obtained. I have contributed whenever called on to other papers and really do not see what I could do more than I have done unless I should take the ground that I am to go into political life for the advancement of my own interests and as a speculation and therefore invest the funds necessary in that view — but I never can or will take that ground. I have always put the interest of the cause foremost, and am now as I have ever been ready to surrender all political position and all political personal advantages for its advancement.

I should be really much obliged to you for a frank expression of your views on the subject, and for any suggestion as to what you think I can & should do.

I expect to be in Cleveland on Friday, or, at any rate, on Saturday. I shall not leave before Saturday morning at eleven, whatever may be the time of my arrival. I hope to see you; and would come to Olmsted should I reach Cleveland early enough & you not be able to come up. I have heard a great deal from Pittsburgh. If those who have maligned me so industriously are satisfied with the results of their machinations, I am.

Sumner's speech yesterday was grand. The Slaveholders & Compromisers felt it keenly. Wade alone of the Compromise Parties voted for the Repeal of the Bill of abominations. Wade has done well. I will say that for him — he has never flinched in private or public.

I must close. I have no time to write — excuse my incoherence.

SOURCE: Diary and correspondence of Salmon P. ChaseAnnual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 245-6

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