
Friday, March 23, 2018

Diary of Gideon Welles: Tuesday, January 5, 1864

Congress reassembled after a fortnight's vacation, or rather were to have assembled but there was not a quorum in either house. At the Cabinet council only a portion were present. The President in discussion narrated some stories, very apt, exhibiting wisdom and sense. He requested me to read an article in the North American Review,1 just received, on the policy of the Administration, which he thought very excellent, except that it gave him over-much credit.

1 An article by James Russell Lowell which was widely quoted.

SOURCE: Gideon Welles, Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy Under Lincoln and Johnson, Vol. 1: 1861 – March 30, 1864, p. 504

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