
Saturday, March 31, 2018

John Brown to George L. Stearns, August 27, 1857

Tabor, Fremont Co., Iowa,
27, Aug., 1857.
My Dear Friend:

Your most welcome letter of the I4th inst., from Salt Forkes, is received. I cannot express the gratitude I feel to all the kind friends who contributed towards paying for the place at North Elba after I had bought it, as I am thereby relieved from a very great embarrassment, both with Mr. Smith and the young Thompsons; and also comforted with the feeling that my whole-hearted wife and daughters will not be driven either to beg, or become a burden to my poor Boys, who have nothing but their hands to begin life with. I am under special obligations to you for going to look after them, and cheer them in their homely condition. May God reward you all a thousandfold.

Very respectfully your friend,
N. H. (JOHN Brown).

SOURCE: Frank Preston Stearns, The Life and Public Services of George Luther Stearns, p. 137

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