
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Samuel Gridley Howe to the Committee of Vigilance, September 26, 1846

Boston, Sept. 26th, 1846.

Dear Sir: — Permit me to inform you that you were appointed a member of the Committee of Vigilance, chosen at Faneuil Hall on Thursday the 24th inst., to take means to secure the protection of the laws to all persons who may be in danger of abduction from the Commonwealth; and to request you to be present at a meeting thereof to be held at Dr. Bowditch's house, No. 3 Otis Place, on Wednesday, Sept. 30th, at 7½ o'clock, P. M. At this, the first meeting of the Committee, it is of the highest importance that, if possible, every member should be present and assist in its deliberations.

S. G. Howe.

SOURCE: Laura E. Richards, Editor, Letters and Journals of Samuel Gridley Howe, Volume 2, p. 245

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