
Monday, March 12, 2018

Senator Salmon P. Chase to Edward L. Pierce, July 4, 1853

Chicago, July 4, 1853.

My Dear Sir: I have just returned from Missouri. Your letter reached me I think at St. Louis. I regret not seeing your brother, or yourself. You have seen that I did not speak at St. Louis and why it was best that I could not; I believe the correspondence will do more than a speech would have done.

Chicago is a flourishing place but the total ensemble did not please me. I should prefer Cincinnati or St. Louis to live in.

What would you think of the life editorial and taking charge of a paper here" or at Chicago? [sic] 1 am pretty certain you could succeed, and win reputation and fortune as well as at the bar.

Yours truly,

SOURCE: Diary and correspondence of Salmon P. ChaseAnnual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 251-2

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