
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Senator Salmon P. Chase to Edward S. Hamlin, December 2, 1852

Washington, Decr. 2, 1852.

Dear Hamlin, Where are you? What are you about? The last I saw of you was that you attended a democratic celebration of Pierce's victory at Toledo. What did you mean by that?

I received yesterday a letter from Bigelow of the N. York Evg. Post (Bryant you know has gone to Europe) asking me to recommend a correspondent at Columbus. He says they are willing to pay a fair price for a letter a week. I named you to him; but expressed a doubt whether you could command the time; but said you would recommend some one if you would not write yourself. Had you not better undertake it? Let me know; and if you cannot recommend some one who will suit the Post.

People here seem quiet enough. Sumner and Seward dined with me today. Sumner is for agitation, Seward for lying low. Benton is here. I had a long talk with him yesterday Evening. He expects a regular setto on Pierce by all the vermin; and fears the result; though he expresses a good deal of confidence in the President elect. Tom Corwin tells me he has authorized the purchase of a residence in Kentucky, & means to leave Ohio! Bailey is well and thriving.

SOURCE: Diary and correspondence of Salmon P. ChaseAnnual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 248

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