
Friday, March 16, 2018

Senator Salmon P. Chase to Senator Charles Sumner, September 3, 1853

Ravenna, Sep. 3, 1853.

Dear Sumner, I mourn with you over the opinion of Judge McLean; but I expected nothing otherwise. His whole course of judicial action in reference to cases under the act of '93 had prepared me for it. With a kind heart & honest purposes he has suffered his reverence for imagined rights under the constitution to lead him into conclusions from which you & I must ever shrink. Well, we must look to the future!

Prospects in Ohio are as good as could be expected. Nothing can be definitely said respecting the result; but we are all cherishing good hopes.

I have spoken in about twenty counties, and our candidate for Governor, Mr. Lewis, in nearly fifty. The people turn out well and we hope to cast such a vote as will — if not elect our candidate, — at least put an end to triangular contest.

We think much can be done by three great meetings — say one at Cleveland or vicinity — one at Mt. Vernon in Knox County & one at Cincinnati or vicinity. Can you not give us — or me — your powerful aid, say for the last week in this month. The journey & speeches need occupy no more than ten days.

Yours cordially
Answer immediately to Cincinnati

SOURCE: Diary and correspondence of Salmon P. ChaseAnnual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 252

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