
Monday, April 2, 2018

Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Hayes, June 19, 1863

Camp White, June 19, 1863.

Dear Mother: — . . . Mother Webb, Lucy and the four boys all got here in good health last Monday. They are housed in a pleasant little cottage on the river bank — plenty of fruit and flowers and not over fifty steps from my tent.

General Scammon's wife left yesterday. Four of [or] five officers' wives are here, making society enough. It is not likely they will remain in the present stirring times more than a week or so.

Lucy had a long letter from Nellie Howells (Mead) just before she left Cincinnati. Nellie is very happy in her European home. — Love to all.

R. B. Hayes.
Mrs. Sophia Hayes.

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 413-4

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