
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Diary of 1st Sergeant John L. Ransom: November 4, 1864

The fine weather still continues. Just warm enough, and favorable for prisoners. Food now we get but once a day — not all we want, but three times as much as issued at Andersonville and of good quality The officer in command, as I have said before, is the kind hearted man, and on his appearance inside he was besieged by hundreds of applications for favors and for the privilege of going outside on parole of honor. He began granting such favors as he could, but has been besieged too much and now stays outside. Has, however, put up a letter box on the inside so that letters will reach him, and every day it is filled half full. Occasionally he takes to a letter and sends inside for the writer of it, and that one answered is the occasion of a fresh batch, until it is said that the poor man harrassed about as much as the President of the United States is for fat offices As I have before remarked in my diary, the Yankee is a queer animal.

SOURCE: John L. Ransom, Andersonville Diary, p. 111

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