
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Luman Harris Tenney: June 29, 1864

By daylight, all our force save three Regts. and brigade for rear guard had moved out towards Ream's Station. Heavy firing in rear. Soon heard that rebs had got between horses and men and captured nearly all. Reached Ream's Station about noon. Rebels in heavy force, cavalry and infantry. Longstreet's Corps being along the railroad to Weldon. Kautz went on in morning to take position. Sent back word that the command could not get through. Wilson said we must. Soon organized to charge through. Then this was given up. 5th N. Y. partly dismounted and part in reserve. Same with 2nd Ohio. Then mounted as reserve. Wilson got ready to leave by the road we came — burned the wagons and moved on. Soon rebs came on dismounted in our rear. Very heavy force. Moved off regularly towards the battery, which opened with grape and canister. Moved up to Kautz' division through the woods. Col. absent — don't know why. Kautz said the orders were to get out the best way possible. Columns moved near together. Moved to the southwest to near Stony Creek Station and crossed the R. R. Advance charged the rebs. Kautz had considerable fighting at first. Soon after crossing the R. R. rebs came upon our rear and we had a run of several miles — 5th Penn. and Detachments of several regts. — Col. West in command. No advance or rear guard. Had I been a line officer, I should have organized a force rear guard. Did propose the thing to Capt. Easton, but he couldn't see it. Held up and walked determined if there were any more firing to fall out and call upon 2nd Ohio and wait. Tom Wood, brave and true boy, fell out with several others and formed rear guard when almost within our lines. Rebs in ambush fired upon them and killed Tom. Poor fellow. How sorry I am for his young wife. Camped soon after passing our picket.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 122-3

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