
Monday, April 16, 2018

George L. Stearns to John Brown, November 7, 1857

Your most welcome letter of the 16th ulto. came to hand on Saturday. I am very glad to learn that after your hard pilgrimage you are in more comfortable quarters with the means to meet present expenses.

Let me hear from you as often as you can, giving your impressions of passing events in Kansas.

I have written Whitman, to whom I shall enclose this, that in my opinion the Free-state party should wait for the Border-ruffian moves, and checkmate them, as they are developed. Don't attack them, but if they attack you, “Give them Jessie” and Fremont besides. You know how to do it. But I think both in Kansas and in Congress, if we let the Democratic party try to play their game, we shall find they will do themselves more harm than we can do them.

SOURCE: Frank Preston Stearns, The Life and Public Services of George Luther Stearns, p. 144

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