
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Julia Ward Howe to Ann Ward Mailliard, July 13, 1857

Garret Platform,
Lawton's Valley, July 13, 1857.

. . . Charlotte Brontë is deeply interesting, but I think she and I would not have liked each other, while still I see points of resemblance — many indeed— between us. Her life, on the whole, a very serious and instructive page in literary history. God rest her! she was as faithful and earnest as she was clever — she suffered much.

. . . Theodore Parker and wife came here last night, to stay a week if they like it (have just had a fight with a bumble-bee, in avoiding which I banged my head considerably against a door, in the narrow limits of my garret platform); so you see I am still a few squashes (“some pumpkins” is vulgar, and I is n't) . . .

SOURCE: Laura E. Richards & Maud Howe Elliott, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, Large-Paper Edition, Volume 1, p. 170

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