
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Senator Salmon P. Chase to Edward S. Hamlin, January 12, 1855

Washington, Jany 12, 1855.

My Dear Sir, * * * The Old liners, I see have put forth again their motley platform. The way is now clear for their signal defeat, if the People's Movement can be honorably continued, as I hope it may be. We must not be the first to abandon it; nor must we abandon it at all unless it shall become necessary in order to the preservation of our honor.

If there was a third of the Democrats ready to adopt the Ohio Platform and vote for one, why did they not secede from the Convention and declare themselves not bound by its action when those disgraceful resolutions were passed? Know nothingism can not be worse than Shilly Shallyism like theirs. Apart from the Secrecy in which it [hides] itself, it is infinitely more respectable, for it does not contradict itself.

SOURCE: Diary and correspondence of Salmon P. ChaseAnnual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 266-7

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