
Sunday, April 8, 2018

Thomas Wentworth Higginson, December 31, 1852

Worcester, December 31,1852

Last night Theodore Parker lectured here, and we tea'd with him; he is, you know, the most eloquent talker living; nobody compares to him in that; some are more original, perhaps, in talking; but he knows everything, and pours it out in the most simple and delightful way. His lecture was wonderful as a specimen of popularizing information and thought; in this he has no equal in this country; he is far before H. W. Beecher as a stump orator. It is a treat to see how people listen to him.

SOURCE: Mary Potter Thacher Higginson, Editor, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, 1846-1906, p. 53

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