
Saturday, May 26, 2018

John Brown to Judge Thomas Russell,* October 21, 1859

Charlestown, Jefferson County, Va., Oct. 21, 1859.
Hon. Thomas Russell.

Dear Sir, — I am here a prisoner, with several sabre-cuts in my head and bayonet-stabs in my body. My object in writing to you is to obtain able and faithful counsel for myself and fellow-prisoners (five in all), as we have the faith of Virginia pledged through her Governor and numerous other prominent citizens to give us a fair trial. Without we can obtain such counsel from without the slave States, neither the facts in our case can come before the world, nor can we have the benefit of such facts as might be considered mitigating in the view of others upon our trial. I have money in hand here to the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars, and personal property sufficient to pay a most liberal fee to yourself, or to any suitable man who will undertake our defence, if I can be allowed the benefit of said property. Can you or some other good man come on immediately, for the sake of the young men prisoners at least? My wounds are doing well. Do not send an ultra Abolitionist.

Very respectfully yours,
John Brown.

Indorsed, "The trial is set for Wednesday next, the 25th inst. — J. W. Campbell, Sheriff of Jefferson County.”

* A copy of this letter was also sent to Reuben A. Chapman, of Springfield, Mass., and a third to Daniel R. Tilden, of Ohio.

SOURCES: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 578-9

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