
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Request of William C. H. Waddell, John J. Cisco, and Colonel A. Farnsworth, that Capt. William T. Lusk of the 79th Highlanders Be Granted Leave of Absence with a View of His Attaining Command of Col. Allen's Regiment, January 31, 1863

New-York, Jan. 31st, 1863.

Governor desires that General Sprague will reply to this note.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

His Ex'cy. Horatio Seymour,
Governor of the State of New-York, &c, &c.


A regiment of infantry is now being organized in this neighborhood under the temporary command of Col. Ethan Allen. It is deemed desirable that Capt. Wm. T. Lusk of the 79th Highlanders (now in the field from this State) should obtain a leave of absence with a view of his attaining the Command of this Regt., Col. Allen wishing to retire. We are anxious at the request of the friends of Capt. Lusk, who is a very deserving and meritorious officer, to procure him a leave of absence for a limited period from his present position, and beg your Excellency to aid us in an application to the War Department towards the accomplishment of that end. This is also at Col. Allen's1 request. With high regard, we are,

Your Obt. Servants,
Wm. Coventry
H. Waddell.

I fully concur in the recommendation of Mr. Waddell.
John J. Cisco.

As Capt. Lusk has been tendered the position of Lieut. Colonel of a regiment now organizing in this State, his presence here is desirable. I sincerely hope, therefore, that he may be granted a leave of absence.

A. Farnsworth,2
Col. 79th N. Y. V.

Respectfully transmitted to the Adjutant-General with a request that, if consistent, a leave of absence may be granted for the purpose mentioned.

Hd. Qrs. Albany, N. Y.
Feb. 8th, 1863.
I. T. Sprague, Adjt.-General.

A. G. Office. Feby. 11th, 1863.

(636. V. 4) Respectfully returned to the Governor of New-York. The rules of the Dept. do not admit of the leave being granted. When the Command is organized, this officer will be discharged for promotion, if the request be then made by the Governor.

By order of the Sec'y. of War,

Thomas M. Vincent,     
Asst. Adjt.-Genl.

1 Ethan Allen, Colonel.

2 Col. F. is absent from his Rcgt. at present in consequence of a wound and ill health.

SOURCE: William Chittenden Lusk, Editor, War Letters of William Thompson Lusk, p. 279-80

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