
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Thomas Hart Benton to Colonel James Patton Preston, December 22, 1821

Senate Chamber, Dec. 22nd, 1822.
Dear Sir:

We arrived here on the 9th ins. myself, Elizabeth and the child. We are very well, but had a narrow escape on the road, the carriage being overturned, and pitched with violence on its broad side down a rocky hill. Happily no one was hurt but myself. I got a cut of four inches on the head which is not yet well.

The President enquired very kindly after you, and expressed great apprehension for your health in your new situation, and was fully satisfied at your not going to Pensacola last summer, as it would have been a risk to your life, without benefit to the public.

Messrs. Crawford, Clay and Adams are the persons chiefly spoken of here for the Presidency, and of these three, the two former are deemed to have the best chance by all with whom I converse.

Nothing of any moment is yet done here.

Yours most truly & sincerely,
Thomas H. Benton.
Col. James P. Preston.

SOURCE: William Montgomery Meigs, The Life of Thomas Hart Benton, p. 130-1

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