
Thursday, June 28, 2018

James Noble’s Advertisement for the Return of Lear Green, a Fugitive Slave, June 1, 1857

$150 REWARD. Ran away from the subscriber, on Sunday night, 27th inst., my NEGRO GIRL, Lear Green, about 18 years of age, black complexion, round featured, good looking and ordinary size; she had on and with her when she left, a tan-colored silk bonnet, a dark plaid silk dress, a light mouselin de laine, also one watered silk cape and one tan colored cape. I have reason to be confident that she was persuaded off by a negro man named Wm. Adams, black, quick spoken, 5 feet 10 inches high, a large scar on one side of his face, running down in a ridge by the corner of his month, about 4 inches long, barber by trade, but works mostly about taverns, opening oysters, &c. He has been missing about a week; he had been heard to say he was going to marry the above girl and ship to New York, where it is said his mother resides. The above reward will be paid if said girl is taken out of the State of Maryland and delivered to me; or fifty dollars if taken in the State of Maryland.

No. 153 Broadway, Baltimore.

SOURCES: The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, Monday, June 1, 1857, p. 3; William Still, The Underground Railroad: A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters &c., p. 281-2

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