
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Amos A. Lawrence to Charles L. Robinson, December 10, 1855

[December 10, 1855.]

To-day newspapers contain the first reliable information in regard to the recent difficulties. We are usually obliged to feed on lies for several days, and so it has been in this case. I do not believe you will have the United States government against you. But if you should, adhere to your determination not to allow any circumstances to lead to a resistance. If the Kansas men are true to the cause of freedom, they will never infringe in the least degree the constitution and laws of the United States. For the part which you have taken, I thank you, my dear sir, from the bottom of my heart, and you will receive the gratitude of all men who like freedom better than slavery.

SOURCE: William Lawrence, Life of Amos A. Lawrence: With Extracts from His Diary and Correspondence, p. 103-4

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