
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Captain Charles Wright Wills: May 13, 1864

Still in Snake Creek Gap, May 13, 1864.

Moved forward a half mile and our regiment built a strong line of log works. We have had a perfect rush of generals along the line to-day: Hooker, Sickles, McPherson, Thomas, Palmer, Sherman and a dozen of smaller fry. The boys crowded around Sherman and he could not help hearing such expressions as “Where's Pap?” “Let's see old Pap,” etc., nor could he help laughing, either. The men think more of Sherman than of any general who ever commanded them, but they did not cheer him. I never heard a general cheered in my life, as he rode the lines. Sherman said in hearing of 50 men of our regiment, “Take it easy to-day, for you will have work enough to-morrow. It will be quick done though.” Now see what that means.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 239

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