
Monday, July 23, 2018

John Brown to Jeremiah Brown, Post Script November 13, 1859

November 13.

P. S. Say to my poor boys never to grieve for one moment on my account; and should many of you live to see the time when you will not blush to own your relation to Old John Brown, it will not be more strange than many things that have happened. I feel a thousand times more on account of my sorrowing friends than on my own account. So far as I am concerned, I “count it all joy.” “I have fought the good fight,” and have, as I trust, “finished my course.” Please show this to any of my family that you may see. My love to all; and may God, in his infinite mercy, for Christ’s sake, bless and save you all!

Your affectionate brother,
J. Brown.

SOURCES: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 588

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