
Monday, August 13, 2018

Captain Charles Wright Wills: May 15, 1864

May 15, 1864, 1:30 a. m. At 11 p. m. went again on the skirmish line with Captain Post and superintended the construction of rifle pits for our skirmishers. A good deal of fun between our boys and the Rebels talking only 50 yards apart.

Five thirty a. m. — At 3 a. m. moved and are now supporting Osterhaus, who is going to charge the railroad. Will see fighting this morning.

Nine a. m. — The skirmishers are fighting briskly. Osterhaus' artillery is on both sides and behind us. Sherman has just passed us to the front. When we first came here about daylight the Rebels charged our folks on the hill ahead, but were repulsed without our assistance. McPherson is now passing. Osterhaus gained that hill last night by a charge, losing about 200 men in the operation. From a hill 50 yards from our position I can see the Rebel fort at Resaca and Rebels in abundance. It is not a mile distant.

One thirty p. m. — Our artillery is beginning to open on them. One man was killed and two wounded within 40 yards of the regiment by Rebel sharpshooters.

Seven p. m.—No charge yet to-day, but has been heavy fighting on the left. I have seen, this evening, Rebel trains moving in all directions. We have a good view of all their works.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 241-2

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