
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Gustavus V. Fox to Virginia Woodbury Fox, May 4, 1861

Washington D.C. 4th May 1861
Dr V,

I wrote you yesterday and to-day I forward you a copy of the Prest letter to me. Under no circumstances is any mention of it whatever to get into the papers. The whole history of the affair is in able hands and in due time will appear, and the effect of that coming would be destroyed by any premature notice. I have no objection to Mrs. Wetmore seeing it as she has somewhat shared your feelings. The Prest wants me to take a ship in the navy, but Blair thinks I better go into the navy dept. especially as the naval war will be only one of blockade. So the Prest directed the transfer to another place of the present Ch. Clerk, and I shall take that place and when Congress meets in July the position will be made satisfactory.

I shall take Nell on next week, and I must go to Portsh for clothes &c before I return to Washington.

De Russy got his appointment in the army and Genl Cameron said he gave it upon the recommendation of Miss Ellen Woodbury. Nell has also got two other army appointments,—Kelly is to be 2d Lt. Jesse Woodbury has also applied for an appointment.

[Rest of letter torn off. — Eds.]

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 44-5

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