
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Senator Charles Sumner to George L. Stearns, February 3, 1861

Washington, 3d Feb., '61.
My Dear Sir:

There are but few who stand rooted, like the oak, against a storm. This is the nature of man. Let us be patient.

My special trust is this. No possible compromise or concession will be of the least avail. Events are hastening which will supersede all such things. This will save us. But I hope to see Massachusetts in this breaking up of the Union ever true. God keep her from playing the part of Judas or — of Peter! You may all bend or cry pardon — I will not. Here I am and I mean to stand firm to the last. God bless you!

Ever yours,
Charles Sumner.

SOURCE: Preston Stearns, The Life and Public Services of George Luther Stearns, p. 241

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