
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Captain Charles Wright Wills: May 20, 1864

Kingston, May 20, 1864.

Our cars got here this morning; the whistle woke me. One of the most improbable rumors afloat is that letters will be allowed to go North to-day. I know you are anxious, so will not lose the rumor of a chance. Billy Fox returned to-day. My things are all right at Chattanooga. I'm in excellent health and all right every way. The news from Grant encourages us very much, but if he gets whipped it won't keep us from whaling Johnston. We're now about 50 miles from Atlanta. Will probably take a day or two here to replenish the supply trains, and let the men recruit a little after their twenty-day march; don't know anything about Johnston; it is not thought he will give us a fight near here.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 244

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