
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Codicil to Last Will and Testament of James Madison, April 19, 1835

I, James Madison do annex this Codicil to my last will — as above & to be taken as part thereof. It is my will that the nine thousand dollars to be paid by my wife and distributed among my nephews & Nieces, may be paid into the Bank of Virginia, or into the Circuit Superior Court of Chancery for Orange, within three years after my death.

I direct that the proceeds from the sale of my Grist Mill & the land annexed sold at the death of my wife shall be paid to Ralph Randolph Gurly, secretary of the American Colonization society and to his executors & administrators, in trust and for the purposes of the said society, whether the same be incorporated by law or not.

This Codicil is written wholly by and signed by my own hand this nineteenth day of April 1835.

James Madison.

SOURCE: Gaillard Hunt, Editor, The Writings of James Madison: Volume IX, 1819-1836, p. 551-2

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