
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Codicil to the Last Will and Testament of James Monroe, June 17, 1831

My very infirm and weak state of health, having rendered it altogether impossible for me to manage my own concerns in any one circumstance, I have committed them to Mr. Gouvernieur, in whose integrity I have perfect confidence. This has been extended to the grant lately made me by Congress, which I have authorized him, to enter and dispose of, in his own name, well knowing that he will apply it in that way, with more advantage than if entered in mine — I mention this, as a particular & interesting example, with which I wish my family, as well as he and myself to be acquainted. The whole will be under the operation after my departure of my present testament. He will, of course, pay particular attention to my other debts, as well as to that which I owe to himself, and I further request Captain James Monroe & William M. Price, to adjust and settle my account between Mr. Gouvernieur & myself — this request having been made at his suggestion. Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of ——— this seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one.

james Monroe.

SOURCE: Virgil McClure Harris, Ancient, Curious and Famous Wills, p. 408-9

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