
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Charles Sumner to Gerrit Smith, August 9, 1854

Washington, 9th Aug., '54.

My Dear Friend —Your speech on temperance has made a convert in Francis Markoe, Esq., of the State Department, occupying an important bureau there, who expresses an admiration of it without stint. He wishes some twenty-five copies to circulate among friends. Will you send them to him with your frank?

I leave to-morrow for the North, regretting much not to see you again before I go — regretting more that you forbid mc to hope to see you next winter when I return to renew our struggle.

You ought not to desert!

Ever yours,
Charles Sumner.

SOURCES: Octavius Brooks Frothingham, Gerrit Smith: A Biography, p. 224-5

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