
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 108. Reports of Col. Orlando H. Moore, Twenty-fifth Michigan Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations November 21-30 and December 15-16, 1864.

No. 108.

Reports of Col. Orlando H. Moore, Twenty-fifth Michigan Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations November 21-30 and December 15-16, 1864.

HDQRS. SECOND BRIG., SECOND DIV., 23D ARMY CORPS,                     
Nashville, Tenn.: December 8, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of operations of my brigade since leaving Johnsonville, Tenn.:

On the morning of November 21 the One hundred and eleventh Ohio Infantry started by rail, in accordance with orders from the general commanding the division, for Columbia, Tenn., and on the 23d of November four other regiments of my brigade, with my headquarters, took cars at Johnsonville and proceeded by way of Nashville to Columbia, arriving at 2.30 a.m. on the 24th. The troops were immediately disembarked and massed on the hill near the fort. At 9 a.m. I received orders to move my brigade out upon the Mount Pleasant pike, and placed it in position, with one regiment on the right of the Hampshire pike, having its right wing at the mill on Little Bigby Creek and the left wing near the Hampshire pike where it crosses the creek. At 8 p.m., in accordance with orders from the general commanding the division, I moved the brigade across the pike, having its left rest upon it, with the right at the Little Bigby Creek mill, and one regiment, One hundred and eighteenth Ohio Infantry, on the bank of the creek about half a mile farther to the right. The troops remained in this position throwing up breast-works until near midnight of the 25th, when I was ordered to move by the right flank to Duck River railroad bridge. Owing to the extreme darkness of the night, and having to move through a dense wood without reads, there was some irregularity in this movement. The brigade arrived at the bridge at daylight. Here the brigade was put in position, with its right across the railroad near Duck River, and its left near the road leading from the ford near the railroad bridge to Columbia. They were immediately set to work throwing up earth-works, covering nearly three times their front. I threw out a strong picket-line at night, and during the night withdrew my brigade across Duck River, and on the morning of 28th placed the brigade in position on the high ground near the river, with my left resting near the railroad, and right near the riverbank, with two regiments in reserve. One-half of the One hundred and eleventh Ohio Infantry, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Sherwood, was sent two miles down the river to guard a ford. The brigade threw up a strong line of earth-works and held the position until the morning of the 29th. At this place considerable skirmishing was kept up, resulting in the loss of a few men in my brigade.

At 9 a.m. on the 29th I was ordered to move with my brigade, following the Third Brigade, leaving the One hundred and eleventh Ohio Infantry to occupy the works and rejoin the brigade at midnight. Shortly before reaching Spring Hill I was ordered to place one regiment on the right flank of Third Brigade, which was then advancing in line of battle. I sent out the Twenty-third Michigan Infantry, Colonel Spaulding. In taking his position he came suddenly upon the enemy's pickets, and captured an adjutant-general belonging to Cheatham's (rebel) corps. The remainder of my brigade was formed in line of battle across the road, forming a second line, and advancing in this order until after dark, halting near town for a short time, when I received orders to march on the Franklin pike, with one regiment thrown out as an advance guard. Halted at midnight and put the brigade in position to cover the cross-roads near Thompson's Station. Marched again at 2 a.m. on the 30th, arriving at Franklin at 7 a.m.

On the morning of the 30th the One hundred and eleventh Ohio Infantry, with a detachment of Twenty-fourth Missouri Infantry, repulsed an attack made by rebel cavalry upon our wagon train, losing one man wounded; they then resumed the march, arriving at Franklin at 12 m., and were put in position on the left of my brigade. I put my brigade position, under the direction of the general commanding the division, with its right resting on the Centerville pike, and left on the northwest slope of the hill near the Columbia pike, on the west side of the town, and immediately commenced in trenching the position. The line occupied by the brigade was so long that I found it impossible to fill it properly with my brigade, and applied to the general commanding the division for more troops, and received a company of fifty men of One hundred and eighty-third Ohio Infantry, which I put in position between the left of Twenty-third Michigan and right of One hundred and twenty-ninth Indiana Infantry, near the center of my line. The officers and men were very much exhausted, having been worked night and day for several days previous, and not having enjoyed a night's rest since leaving Johnsonville, yet they went to work cheerfully and threw up a strong line of works. At noon I received orders to make a detail of six officers and 175 men for picket. These were posted under the direction of Major Huston, Twenty-third Michigan Infantry, field officer of the day. There was very little skirmishing in my front, but at 4 p.m. the enemy advanced his troops in three lines of battle, driving in the pickets and pushing boldly up to the works, evidently hoping to carry them with ease, but he was met by a firm line and driven back in confusion. The men of my brigade stood to their works without flinching, but the company of One hundred and eighty-third Ohio Infantry which I had placed near the center of my line gave way. After another charge the troops on the immediate left of my line left their works, and the enemy occupied them, flanking the One hundred and eleventh Ohio Infantry, which was on the left of my brigade. At this juncture I ordered two companies of the Eightieth Indiana Infantry to the left to support the line, and gave orders to flank the whole brigade, if necessary, in order to close the breach made to the left of my line, and then ordered the Second Pennsylvania Battery, which was in position on the right of my line, to turn their guns from the embrasures to the left and fire upon the ridge upon the left flank of my brigade, and shell the rebel columns which were massing to charge that point. This was done with good effect. At this juncture Capt. P. H. Dowling, acting assistant inspector-general on my staff, rode forward, placed the troops in position, and endeavored to rally the troops, which had been driven back from the works, and by his heroic bravery and unsurpassed gallantry succeeded in driving the enemy from the front of the works, and saved the troops from a defeat which otherwise would have been inevitable. It was an important movement, which Captain Dowling fully appreciated, and under the most terrible fire of the enemy he nobly and gallantly cheered forward the officers and men to victory, receiving a severe wound in the arm. Too much cannot be said in praise of Captain Dowling for his important and gallant services.

I will also here state that the gallant manner in which Capt. H. A. Hale, assistant adjutant-general, Lieut. J. D. Bolles, aide-de-camp, Lieut. W. H. Clements, aide-de-camp, and other members of my staff, discharged their duties, under the hottest fire of the enemy, was worthy of the highest commendation.

The enemy made repeated charges at short intervals with fresh troops until late at night, nearly every time reaching the works at some point in my line. The many hand-to-hand encounters over the works are strongly attested by the number of bayonet wounds received by the men. The enemy succeeded in planting his colors twice upon the works of the Twenty-third Michigan Infantry, and the colors of the One hundred and seventh Illinois Infantry were seized by a rebel, who was killed in attempting to carry them away. The colors were recovered by a private of the regiment named Bailey Walker, a member of Company G, who went over the works and brought them back.

During one of these charges Lieutenant-Colonel Lowry, commanding One hundred and seventh Illinois Infantry, received a mortal wound in the head. He had distinguished himself throughout the action by his coolness and bravery. Though at other times a man of very quiet and even temperament, he displayed on this occasion great activity, at all times regardless of personal danger. By his strenuous efforts, he contributed largely to the success of the day. His loss is deeply felt by all who knew him, and particularly in his own command, where he was best known.

The distinguished professional services of L. A. Brewer, brigade surgeon, during this battle, were highly appreciated, not only in his careful treatment of the wounded, but in his patriotic efforts in cheering the soldiers to nobly do their duty.

The following is a list of the casualties in my brigade:

Report of casualties in Second Brigade, Second Division, Twenty-third Army Corps.

Brigade headquarters



2nd Michigan Infantry


80th Indiana Infantry


129th Indiana Infantry


111th Ohio Infantry

118th Ohio Infantry.



107th Illinois Infantry


[O = Officers  M=Men]

Respectfully submitted.
Colonel Twenty-fifth Michigan Infantry, Comdg. Brigade.
 Lieut. S. H. HUBBELL,
Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., Second Division, 23d Army Corps.

HDQRS. SECOND BRIG., SECOND DIV., 23D ARMY CORPS,                     
In the Field, December 22, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the battles of the 15th and 16th instant near Nashville, Tenn.:

I broke camp on the morning of the 15th, and had my command in readiness to move at 5 a.m., in pursuance of orders received from the general commanding the division the previous evening. Marched at 9 a.m., following Harvey's battery across the Franklin and Granny White pikes; halted near the Hardin pike and formed line of battle in rear of the First Brigade; remained in this position until 1 p.m., when I received orders to move by the right flank, conforming to the movements of the First Brigade, and moved to the right of General Smith's line. The lines were advanced a short distance, when the enemy opened fire upon us -with artillery and infantry. I was ordered to move my brigade on the left of the First Brigade and then charged the enemy. The enemy's artillery was soon captured by the troops on my right, and his infantry routed. The troops moved on in disorder, owing to the roughness of the ground and the rapidity with which they advanced. The enemy made very little resistance; many of them were captured, and the rest fled in confusion. After following them nearly a mile I halted my command, formed line of battle in an advanced position, and, as night was setting in, threw up a line of breast-works and occupied the position during the night, my line connecting with the First Brigade on the right and General Smith's command on the left. Two of my regiments, Twenty-third Michigan Infantry and One hundred and twenty-ninth Indiana Infantry, were sent, by direction of the general commanding the division, to the right of the division during the night. On the morning of the 16th the line was moved a short distance to the right to close an interval, and remained in the position until 3 p.m. The One hundred and eleventh and One hundred and eighteenth Regiments Ohio Infantry were moved out on the right of General Smith's command for the purpose of supporting the lines in making the charge upon the enemy's works. The lines were advanced across the Granny White pike, following the enemy, and halted a little before dark. My brigade massed in the woods about one mile in advance of the position occupied the night previous.

Two stand of colors and about 200 prisoners were captured by my brigade on the 15th instant.
The following is a report of casualties:

111th Ohio Volunteer Infantry



23d Michigan Volunteer Infantry.


118th Ohio Volunteer Infantry


107th Illinois Volunteer Infantry


129th Indiana Volunteer Infantry


80th Indiana Volunteer Infantry





[O = Officers  M=Men]

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
Lieut. S. H. HUBBELL,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Second Division.

* But see revised table, p. 99.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 378-82

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