
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Amos A. Lawrence, published March 30, 1857

Gentlemen, — Inclosed please find twenty-five dollars toward the fund for the brave Captain John Brown, who may appropriately be called the “Miles Standish” of Kansas. Few persons know the character of this man, or his services; and he is the last one to proclaim his merits. His severe simplicity of habits, his determined energy, his heroic courage in the time of trial, all based on a deep religious faith, make him a true representative of the Puritanic warrior. I knew him before he went to Kansas, and have known more of him since, and should esteem the loss of his services, from poverty, or any other cause, almost irreparable. Perhaps there are those who would come forward and support his family while he gives his time to completing and keeping up the military organization of the Free State men. It would afford me pleasure to be one of ten, or a smaller number, to pay a thousand dollars per annum till the admission of Kansas into the Union, for this purpose.

A. A. L.

SOURCE: William Lawrence, Life of Amos A. Lawrence: With Extracts from His Diary and Correspondence, p. 125; Reprinted from the Boston Telegraph and published in The Kansas Tribune, Lawrence, Kansas, Monday, March 30, 1857.

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