
Friday, November 2, 2018

Captain Charles Wright Wills: June 1, 1864

Five miles west of Acworth,  
June 1, 1864

At daylight this morning we left our position on the right and moved over here, six or seven miles, and relieved Hooker's 20th Corps, which moved around to the left. It was ticklish business moving out from under at least 30 of the enemy's guns, and we did it very quietly. They did not suspect it. We are now within 90 yards of the Rebel works, and the shooting is very lively. Only one of our regiment wounded to-day. I would much rather be here than where we were, for there they shot at us square from three sides, and here they can but from one front. This is dense woods and the ground between our works nearly level. There are two lines of works here, 30 yards apart; we occupy the rear works to-day, but will relieve the 6th Iowa to-morrow and take the front. This is the ground that Hooker had his big fight on on the 25th of May. He lost some 2,000 men killed and wounded. The woods are all torn up with canister, shell and shot, and bloody shoes, clothing and accoutrements are thick.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 253

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