
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Brevet Major-General George A. Custer to Governor John Brough, February 24, 1865

Headquarters 3rd Cavalry Division, Mid. Mil. Division,
Feb. 24, 1865.
His Excellency Gov. Brough:

As Lt. Col. Nettleton of the Second Ohio Cavalry is about to proceed to his home in Ohio with the intention of procuring as many men as possible to fill his regiment, I desire to urge upon your Excellency the propriety of rendering Col. Nettleton all possible facilities for accomplishing this end.

The Second Ohio has been under my command for a considerable period, during which time they have been repeatedly engaged with the enemy. Upon all such occasions their conduct has been most gallant and deserving. I have known this regiment to hold positions against vastly superior forces of the enemy under circumstances which most regiments would have considered as warranting a retreat; and I take pleasure in assuring your Excellency that in my entire division, numbering twelve regiments from different states, I have none in which I repose greater confidence than in the 2nd Ohio. For these reasons I feel assured that the interests of the service would be greatly promoted by filling the regiment to the maximum number.

Your Excellency cannot find among the many gallant sons of Ohio a more gallant or deserving officer than Lt. Col. Nettleton.

Very Respectfully,
G. A. Custer, Bv't Major General.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 145

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